Today 25.26 is the Narita Traditional Performing Arts Festival Spring Camp!
The theme of the festival is “Japanese Traditions Encountered in Narita, the City of Kabuki” and will focus on Kabuki performances.Famous local kabuki performances from all over Japan will come together in Narita for kabuki performances, and this year there will also be an oreri (parade).
The popular annual “Local Characters Narita Pilgrimage” will also be held at the same time.In addition to fun stage events and parades featuring characters from all over Japan, this year’s festival will also include a visit to Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple.
We will also have many other events for the whole family to enjoy in Narita, the town of Kabuki.
Please come and visit us 😊✨
O-nereki (parade) will also be held this year.
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